Jon Dove has been a military collector and historian since the early 1980’s after obtaining his first Japanese military sword at 12 years of age. While he doesn't have a favorite museum item in particular, he does have a real passion for Japanese Samurai swords in general and the rich history tied to them.
As for advice to those considering where to entrust their family artifacts, please consider who will do the best job to preserve and display your cherished family items. At the Dove Museum, we feel all veterans’ items should be given equal care whether the serviceman was a private or a general. Every service person played an important role in preserving our freedoms. We pledge to make our exhibits both visually interesting and informative.
In his personal life, Jon has been married to a wonderful lady for 14 years and when he's not working he enjoys farming, metalworking, hunting, fishing, trapping and spending time in the outdoors. Jon is also a collector of antique and pre WW2 Winchester lever action rifles.